The Tangled Wood at Cors y Sarnau Nature Reserve
Happy New Year and I wish you all the very best for the coming year.
These are, as most that appear in this blog, just recce images of that will hopefully serve as reference for a return visit under more optimal conditions.
Ever since I saw the work of Neil Burnell a few years back and his “Mystical” project based around studies at Wistman’s Wood at Dartmoor National Park, I have felt inspired to find somewhere similar near where I live.
Cors y Sarnau 03.01.2022
Recently on my travels I passed a wood on my way home that looked promising and full of character, so I made a mental note to return and find out more about this location. This location was Cors y Sarnau Nature Reserve.
Cors y Sarnau 03.01.2022
It was a flat grey rainy day, but it was great for wandering around and trying to get to know the wood. Full of potential and characterful trees. So I am looking forward to returning during misty days. Whilst it will not be the be all and end all to my woodland photography, it will be a nice element to include.
Cors y Sarnau 03.01.2022
As this is a nature reserve, I stayed to the paths that were sign posted and implore anyone who visits to try and do the same and show respect for the area that is being visited. But another great location discovered that bodes quite a bit of potential for future photography trips. A promising start to 2022.